1 suite (single occupancy with livingroom and bathroom) ;
Possibility of lodging 73 people ;
A large cafeteria capable of serving 100 people ;
Three conference rooms :
The grand room holds 200 places ;
The Mgr Arsène Richard room holds 40 places ;
The Sr. Lorraine room holds 40 places.
A chapel.
A little history...
The Retreat Center was founded in 1981, to replace the Saint-Joseph house which no longer met safety requirements. At that moment, the Eudistes, who were the owners of the Paul VI Residence, were looking to rent their building.
A committee comprised of interested parties seized the opportunity to make a retreat center. This initiation fulfilled the invitation made to the lay population by Vatican II.
Two conditions were presented :
Pay the annual amount of the mortgage
See to the proper maintenance of the building
The communities were very generous Les communautés furent très généreuses sur le plan financier. Des rénovations faites sur la bâtisse durant les premières années furent du montant de $250,000. En septembre 1981, le centre accueillait ses premières activités de fin de semaine.
In 1983 a Foundation was proposed to bring a certain financial stability. The Foundation members organised 2 major activites a year : from 1985 onward, the "Benefit Supper" in the fall and from 1990 onward, the "Rock-a-thon" in the spring.
Today, the center continues to offer its services to the faithful of the Diocese who wish to better know one's self, others and God. The organisations that frequent the center have changed over the years; but the goal of the center is to provide a place to help the faithful with their spiritual developement.